2023 Accelerating Health Equity Post-event Playbook

2024 Accelerating Health Equity
Post-event Playbook
Driving Change Together
During the fourth annual Accelerating Health Equity Conference May 7-9 in Kansas City, Mo., professionals from hospitals, health systems and community organizations convened to eliminate health disparities and improve health outcomes for all. Attendees focused on building strategic hospital-community partnerships, developing and sustaining diversity and inclusion efforts across the field, and designing solutions to create transformative change.
This year’s event brought together 1,000 front-line leaders (e.g., directors, VPs, SVPs) who are working in hospitals, health systems, public health and community-based organizations.

Joanne Conroy, M.D., 2024 AHA board chair, officially kicked off the conference by welcoming participants and noting this year’s record attendance.
“We hope that the valuable connections created at conferences past, present and future will serve as the foundation for accelerating the innovative and inspiring work you do so that we can all continue driving change together.”
— Joanne Conroy, M.D., 2024 AHA board chair
2024 Highlights

Plenary Sessions

Opening Keynote Clint Smith
Clint Smith, author of “How the Word Is Passed,” opened the conference with an in-depth discussion of the legacy of slavery and its enduring impact on American society and institutions. He guided the audience in an examination of how historical injustices continue to shape contemporary issues such as systemic racism and inequality. Smith outlined strategies for engaging in honest and meaningful conversations about the past, including acknowledging difficult truths and confronting historical injustices.
Explore Plenary Session

Keynote Performance Pillsbury House Theatre
The award-winning “Breaking Ice” performance fostered better understanding and communication around complex issues like health equity and inclusion in the workplace. Focusing on personal and organizational stories that influence our daily conversations and how we perceive diversity, equity and inclusion in our communities, the actors performed several scenarios on stage and touched on themes of racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, well-being and culturally congruent care.
Explore Keynote Performance

Closing Keynote Ashton Applewhite
Applewhite explained how ageism manifests in various aspects of life, including media representation, workplace discrimination and health care disparities. She led the audience in exploring the ways in which ageism intersects with other forms of discrimination, such as sexism, racism and ableism.
Explore Closing Keynote
Community Immersion Experiences
Attendees had the chance to learn about local efforts to advance health equity and community focused programs during on-site visits. Key takeaways are listed below.

Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
During the visit, attendees had the opportunity to tour the museum and learn about the rich history of African American baseball and its impact on the social advancement of America.

Uzazi Village
Uzazi Village has a team of nurse practitioners, midwives, doulas and mental health therapists as well as an apothecary, dentist and chef who provide services to pregnant women and their families. Among the nonprofit’s many programs and services, its flagship program offers doula training and certification.

Operation Breakthrough
During this field trip, participants took a bus tour throughout the Kansas City area and heard first-hand accounts from people who received support through Operation Breakthrough while experiencing homelessness, domestic abuse or other socioeconomic challenges, and as a result, were able to better provide for their children. Following the bus tour, participants toured the organization’s facility and met with educators, social workers and volunteers who help provide a safe environment for children and their families.

BlaqOut offers clinical services, including HIV testing and prevention, focused on improving health care access and wellness outcomes for marginalized communities in the Kansas City area. Its location in Midtown also provides a “safe space” for the city’s LGBTQ+ community, and its programming includes education and resources on health issues as well as a leadership development fellowship.
Key Takeaways from Breakout Sessions
Conference breakout sessions covered a wide variety of topics. Here are key takeaways offered in each session.

Building Authentic and Sustained Community Engagement and Partnership

Understanding and Meeting Individual Health and Social Needs

Establishing Systematic and Shared Accountability and Building Diverse Leadership and Governance

Creating Equitable and Inclusive Workplaces

Emerging Topics
AHA Leaders' Perspectives

It’s easy to see why this year’s Accelerating Health Equity Conference was both the biggest and the best yet. Over 1,000 leaders from across America’s hospitals, health systems and community organizations joined together for a week of high-energy fellowship, learning and engagement. You could practically feel JFK's words pulsing through the walls, as all involved would agree that “the energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.”
Chris DeRienzo, M.D.
Senior Vice President and Chief Physician Executive
American Hospital Association

The AHA’s fourth in-person Accelerating Health Equity Conference convened health care leaders and community stakeholders around the theme of driving change together. The content was relevant, timely and responsive to the current climate in the field and across the country. Each year, attendees can expect to come together and be inspired, learn about promising practices and recommit to the work that creates equitable outcomes for all.
Joy A. Lewis
Senior Vice President, Health Equity Strategies
Executive Director, Institute for Diversity and Health Equity
American Hospital Association

The Accelerating Health Equity conference provides a space for leaders from health care and community to come together to be inspired, be recharged and be connected. This year’s event in Kansas City was filled with incredible energy from all who were there. We look forward to continuing to serve all of those who are driving change in their communities.
Nancy A. Myers
Vice President, Leadership and System Innovation
American Hospital Association