Plenary Sessions
2025 Accelerating Health Equity Conference KeyNotes
The Accelerating Health Equity Conference is excited to present keynotes that both motivate and inspire individuals and organizations to take action in finding solutions to address health equity gaps and advance the health of individuals in all communities.
Tuesday, May 20, 2025

Daniel E. Dawes
Daniel Dawes is the senior vice president and founding dean at the Meharry School of Global Health in Nashville, Tenn. The Meharry School of Global Health, part of Meharry Medical College, is the first school of global health in the United States. A nationally respected policy expert, educator and leading researcher in the health care, health equity and public health fields, Dawes’ two books, "150 Years of ObamaCare" and "The Political Determinants of Health" are recognized and cited as top health policy works.
Dawes has served on several boards, commissions and councils focused on improving health outcomes and elevating health equity in the United States and around the world. He is a pioneer of the innovative political determinants of health framework, and his scholarship and leadership have led to improved policies and laws prioritizing health equity. Much of his work focuses on the intersection between equity and the social and political determinants of health.
In his opening keynote address, Dawes will focus on leveraging the new determinants of health – which may include behavioral, community or political determinants of health – to improve patient outcomes. Looking at the various factors affecting health, he will take attendees further upstream to understand the root causes of disparities and help frame how best to disrupt silos and engage in strategic partnerships to advance a more healthy, equitable and inclusive health system. Using real-life examples, Dawes will urge attendees to ask the right questions before looking at determinants and data in a new way to reduce costs and improve outcomes for each member of every community.
Thank you to the Catholic Health Association of the United States for sponsoring this session.